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Conference 20/21

The Edinburgh University Paediatrics Society 6th Annual Conference: The Paediatrics Specialty Roadshow!


Video Competition Winner 20/21

Ruksana Begum & Sheromeya Ducklas 

Hull York Medical School

Essay Competition Winner 20/21

Mairi Buchan

Foundation Year 1 – Thames Valley/Oxford Foundation Deanery

How has Sars-CoV-2 impacted Paediatrics?


In April 2020, along with more than two hundred of my colleagues, I graduated early from the University of Edinburgh and took up a role as an interim FY1 (FiY1) to assist with the first wave of the Sars-CoV-2 (Covid-19) pandemic. I chose to work at a hospital in the South East of England in which I would start FY1 in August 2020 and was placed within the specialty which was due to be my first FY1 job – Paediatrics. This meant that I was privileged to have first-hand experience over a seven-month period on how Covid-19 was having an impact on Paediatrics, at least within my local hospital. Throughout this piece, I will attempt to describe my experiences, highlighting the ways these differed from my expectations, while exploring how they matched up to the experiences within Paediatrics of front-line staff throughout the UK and beyond.

Speakers and Workshop Leads 20/21

The Edinburgh University Paediatrics Society 6th Annual Conference: The Paediatrics Specialty Roadshow!

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